Palaeontology: Holotypes & Lectotypes

Nereites cambrensis

Murchison 1839
Accession number: NMW 62.24.G107
Collection: Holotypes
Taxonomy: Trace Fossils
Chronostratigraphy: PALAEOZOIC , SILURIAN , Llandovery Series
Locality: ../.. , Europe , United Kingdom , Wales , Ceredigion

Nereites cambrensis

  • Murchison, R.I. 1839, Silurian System, founded on qeological researches in the counties of Salop, Hereford, Radnor, Montgomery, Caermarthen, Brecon, Pembroke, Monmouth, Gloucester, Worcester and Stafford, Type reference, p.770, pl.27, fig.1. the specimen is figured in reverse on the woodcut
  • with descriptions of the coalfields and overlying formations. i-xxxii, 1-768, pls 1-37, John Murray, London.
  • Smith, J.D.D. 1989, The Silurian System by R.I. Murchison. A catalogue of the fossils illustrated in Part 11. British Geological Survey Research Report, Stratigraphy Series, SH/89/1, i-x, 1-211.
  • Crimes, T.P. & Crossley, J.D. 1991, A diverse ichnofauna from Silurian flysch of the Aberystwyth Grits Formation, Wales. Geological Journal, 26, pp.27-64.