Palaeontology: Holotypes & Lectotypes

Blastoidocrinus antecedens

Paul & Cope, 1982
Accession number: NMW 78.8G.1
Collection: Holotypes
Taxonomy: Echinodermata, Parablastoidea
Chronostratigraphy: PALAEOZOIC , ORDOVICIAN , Arenig Series , Moridunian Stage
Lithostratigraphy: Ogof HĂȘn Formation , Bolahaul Member
Locality: ../.. , Europe , United Kingdom , Wales , Carmarthenshire

Blastoidocrinus antecedens

  • Paul, C.R.C. & Cope, J.C.W. 1982, A parablastoid from the Arenig of South Wales. Palaeontology, 25, 499-507, pl.51., Figured reference, p.501, pl.51, fig 3.