Images of Industry

Rhiwbach Village

artist unknown

Date: 20th century

Media: oil on cardboard

Size: 436 x 534 mm

Acquired: 1961; Gift

Accession Number: 61.54

Comments (2)

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Amgueddfa Cymru
8 January 2014, 11:31
Dear Vivian,
The accession details for this show that the the work is unsigned and undated so we have no idea who painted it or when. It does however represent the village in c.1900 so it may have been painted then.
We will try and find out some more information, but in the meantime if you have any information that would help us pin down the artist then please let us know.
Many thanks,
Graham Davies
Online Curator
Vivian Parry Williams
7 January 2014, 20:36
Despite having researched the history of Rhiwbach, and written several articles, and lectured on the quarry and its' community, this is the first time that I have ever seen this painting. Is it a contemporary work, or a figment of an artists' imagination, I wonder? Whatever, it is an excellent reproduction of what the village looked like in its' heyday. Any suggestions of who the artist is/was?
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