Images of Industry

Rhymney Railway 'B' class locomotive No.7 2-4-0ST

photographer unknown

Date: late 19th century

Media: photograph

Size: 151 x 194 mm

Acquired: 1938; Purchase

Accession Number: 38.367/13

Comments (1)

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Graham Davies
9 February 2015, 14:19
Origianlly supplied to the Rhymney Railway as a 2-4-0 tender engine by the Vulcan Foundry (Wks No 419 of 1858), it was rebuilt as shown (2-4-0ST) in 1881. Remained in service until 1895 when it was withdrawn remaining in store at Cardiff until sold to Mr F Munn on behalf of the Bute Works Supply Co in February 1902 for £150. No further information available.
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