Museum Trails

Sensory packs for learners with additional needs

We have a selection of sensory resources to support learners during a visit to our museums.

Resources include sound cancelling headphones, fidget toys and other sensory tools. 

Please request a pack when you make a booking. All schools and groups are required to book their visits in advance. Please note packs are limited and allocated on a first come, first served basis. 

How to collect the packs varies at each museum - see details below. Please remember to return the packs at the end of your visit. 

We welcome any feedback on the resources, so that we can continue to develop the museum’s accessibility for learning groups. 

Each museum also has its own to help you plan your visit. See our what's on listing for details on quiet hours held at some museums.

Health & Safety Guidance for using Museum sensory packs 

National Waterfront Museum 

You can pick up a sensory backpack from the reception desk at the Waterfront Museum.  It includes a sensory map to help you identify sensory-friendly spaces in the museum.  > 

St Fagans National Museum of History

Kits are available at the Weston Centre for Learning desk if you are participating in a session or if you are visiting independently.  > 

National Museum Cardiff

Kits are available in our learning rooms if you are participating in a session.  > 

National Slate Museum

Kits are available in our learning room if you are participating in a session, or can be collected from the welcome desk in the shop if you are visiting independently.  > 

National Wool Museum 

Kits are available in our learning room if you are participating in a session, or can be collected from the welcome desk if you are visiting independently.  > 

Big Pit: National Coal Museum

Kits are available in our learning rooms if you are participating in a session.  > 

National Roman Legion Museum

Kits are available in our learning rooms if you are participating in a session.  > 

Sensory pack at the National Roman Legion Museum