Staff Profile Jennifer Gallichan
Curator: Vertebrates

Contact Details
Cathays Park
CF10 3NP
Phone: +44 (0)29 2057 3217
Staff Name
Job Title
Areas of Responsibility:
Qualifications, memberships and relevant positions
BSc (Hons) Zoology; Member of Natural Sciences Collections Association (NatSCA).
Research Interests
Principally focused on research of the vertebrate collections looking into their provenance and history.
Vertebrate, collections, curation, taxonomy, systematics, historical, engagement.Links
Selected Publications
Rowson B., Ablett J., Gallichan J., Holmes A. M., Oliver P. G., Salvador A., Turner J. A., Wood H., Brown C., Gordon D., Hunter T., Machin R., Morgenroth H., Reilly, M. Petts R. & Sutcliffe R. 2018. Mollusca Types in Great Britain. Amgueddfa Cymru-National Museum Wales / Natural History Museum. Available online at
Mortimer, K. & Wood, H. & Gallichan, J. (2016). A departmental face to social media: lessons learnt from promoting natural history collections at National Museum Cardiff. Journal of Natural Science Collections 3, 18-28.
Tattersfield, P., Rowson, B. & Gallichan, J. 2011. Bernard Verdcourt (1925-2011) – An Appreciation, Malacological Names and Bibliography. Journal of Conchology, 40 (6) 681-704.
Wood, H. & Gallichan, J. 2008. The new molluscan names of César-Marie-Felix Ancey including illustrations of type material from the National Museum of Wales. Studies in Biodiversity and Systematics of Terrestrial Organisms from the National Museum of Wales. Studies in Biodiversity and Systematics from the National Museum of Wales. Biotir Reports 3, pp. i-iv, 1-162, 26 pls.
Holmes A.M., Gallichan J. & Wood, H. 2006. Coracuta obliquata n. gen. (Chaster, 1897) (Bivalvia: Montacutidae) – First British record for 100 years. Journal of Conchology ,39(2) 151-158.
Gallichan, J. 2005. Documenting the past: Further insights into the Tomlin archive. Mollusc World, 7, 12-13
Gallichan, J. 2003. Documenting the past: Insights into the Tomlin archive. Mollusc World, 3, 11.