Event: The Big Science Project: 3 Different Wonderful Workshops!
The Big Science Project returns to the National Wool Museum. We've got 3 fantastic workshops ready for you to participate in this summer. No need to book tickets, just drop in and enjoy!
26 July: The Chemistry of Dyeing Wool.
Wool has been dyed for thousands of years, using natural products such as plants, trees, and lichens. But what is behind the chemistry of dyeing wool? What is happening at the microscopic level? Discover more in this wonderful workshop.
9 August: Using Wool for footpaths.
Create your own ‘path’. The science behind this activity will be demonstrated and you will begin to understand the science of its use in footpaths.
23 August: Investigate the waterproof properties of wool.
How does the waterproof properties of wool, as a clothing material, compare to man-made synthetic fibres? Come and run an experiment where you will compare wool with 3 man-made materials and determine which of the 4 materials tested is the most waterproof. You will also have an opportunity to view these materials under a microscope to understand the science behind it!
This event is free, however every gift you give us, however small or large, will help us ensure that Amgueddfa Cymru belongs to everyone and is here for everyone to use.
You can donate by visiting Support us | Museum Wales