Widening Engagement Action Plan

We have been working with Arts Council of Wales on developing plans which will help ensure we reflect the lives of all individuals and communities.

The Widening Engagement Action Plan has been developed in response to three reports on widening engagement, which were commissioned in summer 2020 and published in August 2021.

To instigate the changes needed in both organisation, within the sector and in Wales, we believe that individuals and communities should be able to contribute to the debate about what counts as culture, where it happens, who makes it and who experiences it.

In our plans, we commit to:

  • Ensuring that leadership at both organisations is representative of the population. Both organisations have declared zero tolerance of any form of discrimination.
  • Cultural programmes being led and co-produced by communities and ensuring more equitable use of resources.
  • Adopting British Sign Language as their third language and working to ensure venues, museums and cultural resources are as accessible as possible.
  • Continuing to drive forward their work in promoting the Welsh Language and delivering the Welsh Government Cymraeg 2050 goals. The Welsh language belongs to everyone, of all communities, and members of those communities use and celebrate the language every day.

These commitments are in response to research carried out by Re:cognition, who focused on an area of semi-rural poverty; Richie Turner Associates, who created a team focusing on deaf and disabled people; and the Welsh Arts Anti-Racist Union, who focused on cultural and ethnic diversity. They were commissioned to help us better understand how we can reach some of the communities we consistently fail to engage in our work.