Francis Crawshay's Workers
The sixteen men in these little portraits all worked for Francis Crawshay (1811-1878), a reluctant industrialist, who maintained unusually close personal relationships with his employees. In the mid-1830s, Francis was in charge of the Hirwaun Ironworks, acquired by his father, the great ironmaster William Crawshay II, in 1819, and of the family’s recently enlarged tinplate works at Treforest, near Pontypridd.
The group includes both skilled and unskilled workers as well as managers, and all are depicted as standing figures in a landscape, in working clothes and with the tools of their trade. Although the wealthy sometimes commissioned portraits of their domestic servants, no other such images of industrial workers are known.
The pictures are believed to be by William Jones Chapman (c.1808-after 1871), a travelling portrait and sporting painter who worked mostly in Wales and the border counties. The group passed by descent in the Crawshay family, and may originally have been even larger.
Attributed to William Jones Chapman (c.1808-after 1871), sixteen portraits of employees of Francis Crawshay (1811-1878) at the Hirwaun Iron Works and the Treforest Tinplate works, about 1835-40.
Given by Miss Sylvia Crawshay, 2012
Francis Crawshay's Workers

William James, Roller, Forest

Unknown Man

Thos. Francis, Quarryman, Forest

Thos Euston, Lodge Keeper, Hirwaun

Thomas Kirkhouse, Hirwaun

Rees Davies, Mechanic, Hirwaun

Llewellyn Jenkins, Foreman Carpenter, Hirwaun

John Richards (John Cwmbran)

John Llewellyn, Foreman Smith, Forest

John Davies, Tin Mills Manager

John Bryant, Mine Agent, Hirwaun

Evan Bryant, Agent, Hirwaun

David Williams, Carpenter, Forest

David Lewis, Storekeeper, Hirwaun

David Davies, Fineries, Hirwaun

David Davies, Cinder Filler, Hirwaun
Comments - (7)
Hi there Lillian,
That's fantastic - what a great family record to have, they are such simple but beautiful paintings!
You can request an image from our Print Shop - they ship world-wide and you can choose from paper, canvas etc.
Simply follow the instructions on the page and email your request to the address we've provided there.
All the best, and thanks for your enquiry,
Digital Team
Thank you,
Hi there Judith,
To answer your question: The Crawshay works are currently in store but we can make an appointment to see them in store. Appointments are available with two weeks notice between Tuesday-Friday: contact us.
Thanks again for your enquiry
Digital Team
Hi there Judith,
Thanks for your comment - I'll pass on your enquiry to our Art Department and get back to you.
Best wishes
Digital Team