Remembering the First World War – Creating a Digital Legacy

For the centenary of the First World War Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales created a programme of activities to tell the stories of the people of Wales through our collections, to explore the unique areas of impact on Wales and on Welsh life and to better understand why the First World War happened, the key events and the legacy today.

First World War Collections Online

This new digital resource was launched in November 2014 with support from the Armed Forces Covenant Fund. Since then, over 1,200 objects, archives and photographs have been researched, digitised and made freely available online.

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Kate Rowlands' Diaries

The twitter account @DyddiadurKate shares entries from the diaries of Kate Rowlands, Sarnau. Over a century later, her entries from 1915 tell a story about life in Wales during the First World War.

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Explore our Stories

Our collections are full of amazing stories about the Great War and its effect on life in Wales.

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Y Dychweliad / The Return

To mark the centenary of a victory ball held at the Oakdale Workmen’s Institute in 1919, the Museum worked in partnership with Re-Live, to produce Y Dychweliad / The Return.

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