Press Releases

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45 articles. Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Enter the Dragon at the National Waterfront Museum

17 January 2012

Chinese New Year will soon be here and the National Waterfront Museum is once again helping the Swansea Chinese Community Centre with its exciting plans for the colourful celebrations.

Unseasonal wild flowers in Cardiff

10 January 2012

This year’s mild winter weather has allowed an amazing 63 wild flowers to be found in flower, which is much more than the normal average of 20-30 species. A wild flower hunt around Cardiff by Dr Tim Rich of Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales and Dr Sarah Whild of Birmingham University this week (January 2012) showed how warm the winter has been so far.

National Museum Cardiff marks 100 years of Scott expedition

4 January 2012

The recent BBC series Frozen Planet transported us all to a world beyond imagination each week - the frozen wilderness of the polar regions. Exactly one hundred years ago, Captain Scott and his team were dragging their sledges across the Antarctic ice sheet towards the South Pole, having sailed from Cardiff eighteen months earlier. They were soon to discover that a Norwegian team had beaten them by a month.

A new exhibition at National Museum Cardiff this January marks the arrival of Scott’s party at the South Pole on 17 January 1912. Supported by the United Kingdom Antarctic Heritage Trust, Captain Scott: South for Science is at National Museum Cardiff from Saturday 14 January – Sunday 13 May 2012.