Guidance for Welsh Language Levels

Welsh Language Policy
For further information see our Welsh Language Policy
Entry Level – A1
- The ability to understand and use simple everyday phrases
- The ability to introduce yourself and others, the ability to ask and answer questions about basic information e.g where someone lives and works, what they like to do, discuss personal details, times and numbers.
- The ability to understand short, written texts where people provide basic personal information about themselves or others e.g on forms
- Conveying a simple written message or making a simple request e.g by email
Foundation Level – A2
- The ability to understand, when people speak slowly, sentences about everyday situation, e.g basic personal and family information, discussing simple work-related matters, including what people have done or what they would do.
- The ability to hold a simple conversation about everyday subjects e.g things that have happened or future plans
- The ability to understand written messages about everyday issues and simple letters/emails
- The ability to write short messages to colleagues e.g to pass on a message
Intermediate Level – B1
- The ability to understand the main points when someone speaks about everyday subjects inside and outside the workplace, or when work issues are being discussed e.g in a conversation or in a small group meeting
- The ability to hold an extended conversation with a fluent speaker on a familiar subject involving aspects of everyday life, e.g. interests, travel, or subjects directly involving work.
- The ability to describe experiences and events, hopes and ambitions, and to give brief explanations and reasons for your opinion.
- The ability to understand articles or direct email messages dealing with everyday subjects or subjects involving work.
- The ability to write a letter/email on most subjects, e.g. ask for things, give information, invite someone or arrange an event.
Advanced Level – B2
- The ability to follow most conversations or discussions, even on unfamiliar subjects, unless someone is speaking with a strong or unfamiliar accent, e.g. at a conference or when speaking on a very technical or specialised subject.
- The ability to speak confidently with fluent speakers about familiar subjects involving everyday life or work issues, ability to express an opinion, take part in a discussion, and speak at length on general subjects, e.g. at a meeting or in a one to one situation.
- The ability to understand most correspondence, newspaper articles and reports intended for fluent speakers, with the assistance of a dictionary, and to scan long texts to locate details.
- The ability to write short articles, business letters or reports on a range of subjects of a general nature, or involving work, and to respond correctly to most correspondence from internal or external contacts. Editorial assistance would be required.
Proficiency – C1
- Easily understands everything heard or said
- Speaks at length on complicated matters, presents arguments, and leads discussions
- Summarises information from different oral and written sources, recreates arguments and descriptions in a coherent presentation
- Expresses themselves fluently and in detail, adapting language style according to audience, e.g. in a formal or informal context.