Archaeological site, artefact and palaeoenvironmental services

Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum offers expertise in environmental, artefact and industrial archaeological heritage delivered by our team of fourteen in-house curators and conservation staff, supported by the additional expertise of our Honorary Research Fellows. In combination we have over 250 years’ experience as well as ready access to comparative assemblages containing millions of artefacts.

The team are used to interfacing with the commercial archaeological sector and are experienced in the production of high quality reports at competitive market rates.

For more information contact:

Steve Burrow PhD AMA MCIfA FSA

Services offered include:


Prehistoric knapped or worked flint and stone tools, mosaics, other worked stone artefacts, building stone

Dr Steve Burrow, Adam Gwilt, Dr Mark Lewis, Dr Mark Redknap, Dr Elizabeth Walker


Copper-alloy, lead, iron and gold work from all periods to present

Evan Chapman, Adam Gwilt, Dr Mark Redknap


Coins from all periods, also UK medals

Alastair Willis


Prehistoric, medieval, post-medieval

Jody Deacon, Adam Gwilt, Dr Mark Redknap

Other small finds

Worked bone, glass, ceramic and stone objects from all periods to present

Evan Chapman, Adam Gwilt, Dr Mark Lewis, Dr Mark Redknap

Petrological analysis

Ceramics, Stone

Tom Cottrell, Dr Jana Horák

Environmental archaeology

Mollusca (marine and non-marine), pollen analysis

Anna Holmes, Dr Heather Pardoe, Dr Ben Rowson,

Industrial archaeology

Site identification and interpretation, finds identification

Jennifer Protheroe-Jones, Ceri Thompson,

Display and interpretation

Site specific signage, landscape markers, display and exhibitions, building reconstruction

Heritage consultancy

Support for heritage and museological components of third-party grant-funded projects

Staff offering consultancy

Amgueddfa Cymru’s archaeological site, artefact and palaeoenvironmental services are delivered by:


Dr Steve Burrow

Deputy Head of Public History & Archaeology
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Evan Chapman

Senior Curator: Archaeology
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Dr Daniel Cox

Senior Laboratory Manager

Adam Gwilt

Principal Curator: Prehistory
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Anna Holmes

Curator: Invertebrate Biodiversity (Bivalves)
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Dr Mark Lewis

Senior Curator: Roman Archaeology
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Dr Heather Pardoe

Principal Curator: Botany (Pollen)
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Jennifer Protheroe-Jones

Principal Curator - Industry
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Dr Ben Rowson

Senior Curator: Invertebrate Biodiversity (Terrestrial Mollusca)
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Ceri Thompson

Curator (Coal)
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Dr Elizabeth Walker

Principal Curator: Collections & Access
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Dafydd Wiliam

Principal Curator of Historic Buildings

Alastair Willis

Senior Curator: Numismatics and the Welsh Economy